Anigen Tests
Anigen Tests
Simple. Fast. Accurate. Cost-effective.
The Anigen range of veterinary diagnostic kits for infectious disease of companion animals provide simple, fast, accurate and cost effective diagnosis in animal disease. The company has the total technology solution including the development of recombinant antigens, monoclonal antibodies and gold conjugates, through to the manufacture and packing of the final end user product at their latest state-of-the art manufacturing facility.
The Anigen companion and industrial animal testing products are designed to support veterinarians in their effort to manage the diseases and treatments of their patients.
- Room temperature storage
- Easy to use
- Everything you need is in the box
Available tests include:
- Heartworm Ag 2.0 (10)
- CPV/CCV Ag (10)
- CPV/CCV/Giardia Ag (5)
- Giardia Ag (10)
- CPV Ab (blood titre test) (10)
- FIV Ab (10)
- FIV Ab/FeLV Ag (10)?
Please contact us to express interest in the following additional tests that are available but not carried in stock:
- CDV Ab (blood titre test) (10)
- FHW Ag/Ab (5)
- Total IgE (atopic dermatitis and allergy indicator) (10)